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Contains one (parser) or more commands (subparsers).

__init__(self, func=None, version=None, sub_parser_title='commands', formatter_class=<class 'argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter'>, exceptions_to_catch=(), _doc_str=None, _level=0, **kwargs) special


Name Type Description Default
func Optional[Callable]

A callable to parse root parser's arguments.

version Optional[str]

adds --version flag.


sub-parser title to pass.

exceptions_to_catch Sequence[Type[Exception]]

exceptions to catch and print its message. Will exit with 1 and will hide traceback.

_doc_str Optional[arger.docstring.DocstringTp]

internally passed from arger.add_cmd




all the arguments that are supported by ArgumentParser



adding version flag version = '%(prog)s 2.0' Arger() equals to Arger().add_argument('--version', action='version', version=version)

Source code in arger/
def __init__(
    func: tp.Optional[tp.Callable] = None,
    version: tp.Optional[str] = None,
    exceptions_to_catch: tp.Sequence[tp.Type[Exception]] = (),
    _doc_str: tp.Optional[DocstringTp] = None,

        func: A callable to parse root parser's arguments.
        version: adds --version flag.
        sub_parser_title: sub-parser title to pass.
        exceptions_to_catch: exceptions to catch and print its message.
            Will exit with 1 and will hide traceback.

        _doc_str: internally passed from arger.add_cmd
        _level: internal

        **kwargs: all the arguments that are supported by

        adding version flag
            version = '%(prog)s 2.0'
            Arger() equals to Arger().add_argument('--version', action='version', version=version)
    kwargs.setdefault("formatter_class", formatter_class)

    self.sub_parser_title = sub_parser_title
    self.sub_parser: tp.Optional[ap._SubParsersAction] = None

    self.args: tp.Dict[str, Argument] = OrderedDict()
    docstr = DocstringParser.parse(func) if _doc_str is None else _doc_str
    kwargs.setdefault("description", docstr.description)
    kwargs.setdefault("epilog", docstr.epilog)


    self.set_defaults(**{LEVEL: _level})
    self.func = func
    self.exceptions_to_catch = exceptions_to_catch
    self._add_arguments(docstr, _level)

    if version:
        self.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=version)

add_cmd(self, func=None, **kwargs)

Create a sub-command from the function. All its parameters will be converted to CLI args wrt their types.


Name Type Description Default

function to create sub-command from.


will get passed to subparser.add_parser method


Returns Arger: A new parser from the function is returned.

Source code in arger/
def add_cmd(self, func=None, **kwargs):
    """Create a sub-command from the function.
    All its parameters will be converted to CLI args wrt their types.

        func: function to create sub-command from.
        **kwargs: will get passed to `subparser.add_parser` method

        Arger: A new parser from the function is returned.
    if not self.sub_parser:
        self.sub_parser = self.add_subparsers(title=self.sub_parser_title)

    def _wrapper(fn: tp.Callable) -> "Arger":
        docstr = DocstringParser.parse(fn)
        arger = self.sub_parser.add_parser(  # type: ignore
            name=kwargs.pop("name", fn.__name__),
            help=kwargs.pop("help", docstr.description),
            _level=self.get_default(LEVEL) + 1,
        return tp.cast(Arger, arger)

    if func is None:
        return _wrapper
    return _wrapper(func)

init(**kwargs) classmethod

Create parser from function as a decorator.


Name Type Description Default

will be passed to arger.Arger initialisation.

Source code in arger/
def init(cls, **kwargs) -> tp.Callable[[tp.Callable], "Arger"]:
    """Create parser from function as a decorator.

        **kwargs: will be passed to arger.Arger initialisation.

    def _wrapper(fn: tp.Callable):
        return cls(func=fn, **kwargs)

    return _wrapper

run(self, *args, *, capture_sys=True, **kwargs)

Parse cli and dispatch functions.


Name Type Description Default

whether to capture sys.argv if args not passed. Useful during testing.

*args str

The arguments will be passed onto as self.parse_args(args).


will get passed to parse_args method

Source code in arger/
def run(self, *args: str, capture_sys=True, **kwargs) -> ap.Namespace:
    """Parse cli and dispatch functions.

        capture_sys: whether to capture `sys.argv` if `args` not passed. Useful during testing.
        *args: The arguments will be passed onto as `self.parse_args(args)`.
        **kwargs: will get passed to `parse_args` method
    if not args and capture_sys:
        args = tuple(sys.argv[1:])
    namespace = self.parse_args(args, **kwargs)
    kwargs = vars(namespace)
    kwargs[NS_PREFIX] = copy.copy(namespace)
    kwargs["_arger_"] = self
    # dispatch all functions as in hierarchy
    for level in range(kwargs.get(LEVEL, 0) + 1):
        func_name = f"{FUNC_PREFIX}{level}"
        if func_name in kwargs:

    return namespace


__init__(self, *, type=None, metavar=None, required=None, nargs=None, const=None, choices=None, action=None, flags=(), **kwargs) special

Represent positional arguments to the command that are required by default. Analogous to ArgumentParser.add_argument


Name Type Description Default
type Union[Callable[[str], ~T], argparse.FileType]

The type to which the command-line argument should be converted.

Got from annotation. Use Argument class itself in case you want to pass variables to Arger.add_argument.

Ex: typing.cast(int, Argument(type=int)). If not passed then it is returned as str.

metavar str

A name for the argument in usage messages.

nargs Union[int, str]

The number of command-line arguments that should be consumed. to be generated from the type-hint.

Ex: types and how they are converted to nargs

  • Tuple[str, ...] -> nargs='+'
  • Tuple[str, str] -> nargs=2
  • List[str]|tuple|list -> nargs=*

Note: even though Tuple[str,...] doesn't mean one or more, it is just to make nargs=+ easier to add.

const Any

covered by type-hint and default value given

choices Iterable[Any]

Use enum.Enum as the typehint to generate choices automatically.

action Union[str, Type[argparse.Action]]

The basic type of action to be taken when this argument is encountered at the command line.

flags Sequence[str]

It will be generated from the argument name. In case one wants to override the generated flags, could be done by passing them.

default tp.Any

The value produced if the argument is absent from the command line.

  • The default value assigned to a keyword argument helps determine the type of option and action if it is not type annotated.
  • The default value is assigned directly to the parser's default for that option.
  • In addition, it determines the ArgumentParser action
    • a default value of False implies store_true, while True implies store_false.
    • If the default value is a list, the action is append (multiple instances of that option are permitted).
    • Strings or None imply a store action.
kwargs Any

it is delegated to ArgumentParser.add_argument method.

Source code in arger/
def __init__(
    type: tp.Union[tp.Callable[[str], tp_utils.T], ap.FileType] = None,
    metavar: str = None,
    required: bool = None,
    nargs: tp.Union[int, str] = None,
    const: tp.Any = None,
    choices: tp.Iterable[tp.Any] = None,
    action: tp.Union[str, tp.Type[ap.Action]] = None,
    flags: tp.Sequence[str] = (),
    **kwargs: tp.Any,
    """Represent positional arguments to the command that are required by default.
    Analogous to

        type: The type to which the command-line argument should be converted.

            Got from annotation.
            Use Argument class itself in case you want to pass variables to `Arger.add_argument`.

            Ex: `typing.cast(int, Argument(type=int))`. If not passed then it is returned as str.

        metavar: A name for the argument in usage messages.

        nargs: The number of command-line arguments that should be consumed.
            to be generated from the type-hint.

            Ex: types and how they are converted to nargs

            * `Tuple[str, ...] -> nargs='+'`
            * `Tuple[str, str] -> nargs=2`
            * `List[str]|tuple|list -> nargs=*`

            Note: even though Tuple[str,...] doesn't mean one or more, it is just to make `nargs=+` easier to add.

        const: covered by type-hint and default value given
        choices: Use `enum.Enum` as the typehint to generate choices automatically.
        action: The basic type of action to be taken
            when this argument is encountered at the command line.

        flags: It will be generated from the argument name.
            In case one wants to override the generated flags, could be done by passing them.

        default (tp.Any): The value produced if the argument is absent from the command line.

            * The default value assigned to a keyword argument helps determine
                the type of option and action if it is not type annotated.
            * The default value is assigned directly to the parser's default for that option.
            * In addition, it determines the ArgumentParser action
                * a default value of False implies store_true, while True implies store_false.
                * If the default value is a list, the action is append
                (multiple instances of that option are permitted).
                * Strings or None imply a store action.

        kwargs: it is delegated to `ArgumentParser.add_argument` method.
    for var_name in (
        value = locals()[var_name]
        if value is not None:
            kwargs[var_name] = value
    self.flags = flags
    self.kwargs = kwargs